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Download Folder Marker 4.8 for Windows

Download the latest version of Folder Marker for Windows. Color your folders and identify them at a glance. FolderMarker is an interesting tool which you...

Folder Marker

Folder Marker is your small assistant, an ardent fighter for your convenience and comfort in any kind of computer work. Use Folder Marker to label your folders.

Folder Marker

2007年2月8日 — Folder Marker is a useful, free software only available for Windows, being part of the category Software utilities with subcategory Task Bar, ...

Folder Marker 4.8 中文版

2023年5月19日 — Folder icons can be customized using the standard Windows method, but with Folder Marker you can do this on the fly from the right-click menu of ...

Folder Marker Alternatives and Similar Software

2023年12月1日 — The best Folder Marker alternatives are Folder Colorizer Pro, Folderico and Dr. Folder. Our crowd-sourced lists contains more than 10 apps ...

Folder Marker for Windows

FolderMarker is an interesting tool which you will be able to modify the color of the folders and the icons for each different folder with.

Folder Marker Free

A freeware add-on for Windows lets you customize folders with color-coded icons to make a search for important information a one-glance affair.

Folder Marker Home 4.8 : 軟體王2024

2023年5月18日 — 同樣簡單,您可以自定義多個資料夾。只需用滑鼠選擇一組資料夾,然後從右鍵點擊選單中分配一個新圖示。另一個很棒的選擇是能夠將您選擇的最多十個圖示新增 ...